Our Mission & Milestones
Our Pledge
Our business is creating kiteboarding products. It is what we love and we know how to do it well. We have spent almost two decades developing, designing and refining cutting-edge products that have helped shape modern kiteboarding. Unfortunately, by creating the products we love, we are harming the very environment we need to practise our sport. Kiteboarding products and the processes necessary to create them are not environmentally friendly. As kiteboarders, we feel connected to our oceans, lakes, and rivers and we see first-hand the damage we are doing to our planet. We depend on our natural environment and, in turn, we believe it is our responsibility to protect it.
This is why we have made it our mission to breathe sustainability into our corporate structure at Duotone Kiteboarding. We recognise that we have only scraped the tip of the iceberg with what we can do as a company and we plan to bring everyone along with us as we venture down this path to a more sustainable future. As we find success with less harmful new materials or processes, it is our hope that others will follow suit and we can be part of a transition to a new greener industry overall.
We believe we can achieve our mission to create positive social and environmental change by analysing each component of our business and continually asking ourselves the question, how can we do it better? In the context of B&M’s economic efficiency, sustainability is understood as a continuous process that is integral to corporate strategy and not a temporary objective. Part of this process will inevitably be to overcome challenges as they arise, and we look forward to sharing our successes and failures openly because we can all learn from both outcomes.
We feel it is our responsibility to take action and do what we can to save our playgrounds before it is too late. And we invite everyone to join us in this endeavour.
Concept Blue products are our next step towards a better future. Our R&D Team is dedicated to design products with the latest and most sustainable materials available on the market without losing any quality.
We use 100% organic cotton jersey and 80% organic cotton / 20% recycled polyester French terry fabric for our latest apparel products. This organic cotton complies with the GOTS standard and uses fewer chemicals and less water and energy during production. All chemical additives, such as dyes, must meet certain environmental and toxicological criteria.
Efficient logistics and reuse of packaging at our line company. No plastic used for packaging of coils transported to our manufacturing facilities.
Kite packaging made from recycled plastic. Kitebags made from recycled plastic.
Twintip production operating with 100% solar energy.
After the success of 2019 Duotone decided to go bigger: together with the partners from B&M company the "Save Our Playgrounds" initiative was founded. As part of the initiative, B&M calls on again this year to not rely on anyone else to save our world and thus our "playgrounds": From April 30th to May 3rd it is time again to keep as much plastic waste as possible from being washed into the oceans.
All Hangtags made out of recycled paper
The unique cardboard structure is a strong, reliable material. The strength means less packaging is required overall, making this a cost-effective environmental solution.
In cooperation with Jobrad, employees have the option of leasing a bike for the way to work at a discount. Maintenance and insurance are also paid by the company
May 1st Duotone called for the first global Clean Beach Day. The goal was to rid the beaches and the sea of garbage, above all, of plastic, as it not only limits the enjoyments of kiteboarding but also threatens the lives of marine animals, humans and the whole planet. During the first ever Duotone Beach Clean up in 2019 we collected approx. 800kg of trash from beaches around the globe. ~ A german household produces approx. 450 kg trash per capita during one year (* in 2018)
All duotone products and related processes as well as ION wetsuits were termed "climate neutral", as their carbon emissions have been calculated and offset by supporting a recognized carbon offset project - a hydroelectric power plant in southern Sri Lanka.
Reuse of packaging at our warehouse.
Ongoing research of new material and packaging to reduce the economical footprint of each product.
Energy audit to recognize energy saving opportunities / reduce energy consumption within the company Switch to green electricity
Employees were given an incentive to come to work by bike. Within half a year more than 15.000 km were done by bike.
We save approx 3 tons of plastic foil, approx 64m³ of styrofoam / plastic packaging, 66000 poly bags and 13 tons of paper thanks to the adjustments made to our packaging system.
Start of step-by-step conversion of GSL kite production to solar energy
»The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it.«