Handle Carbon

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Art.-Nr. 42240-8066

Explanationhelper for Handle Carbon variants on Ventis 2024 + 2025

5a) => DTF-Wing Spare Front Handle Carbon 46cm

5b) => DTF-Wing Spare Back Handle Carbon 22cm

Explanationhelper for Handle Carbon variants on Unit D/LAB and Unit 2024:

4a) DTF Unit DLAB & Unit Wing spare front handle carbon 46cm (3,5-6,5m2)

4b) DTF Unit Wing spare front handle carbon 34cm (2,5 – 3,0m2)

Looking for a high-quality spare handle for your carbon foil wing? Look no further than our top-of-the-line selection of carbon foil wing spare handles. Made from premium materials and designed to fit seamlessly with your existing wing, our spare handles are the perfect choice for any serious foiling enthusiast. With durable construction and a comfortable grip, you can trust our spare handles to provide the support and control you need to take your foiling to the next level. Shop now and discover the difference a top-quality carbon foil wing spare handle can make!


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