Young Blood
Young Blood es un proyecto de las marcas de deportes de acción Duotone, ION y Fanatic. Su visión es despertar la pasión de niños y jóvenes de 8 a 18 años por los deportes de acción como el kitesurf, el foil wing, el SUP y el ciclismo y enseñarles la técnica adecuada para disfrutar del deporte con seguridad.
Queremos facilitar a la próxima generación su entrada en el mundo de los deportes de acción, organizando eventos especiales y dándoles la oportunidad de aprender de los profesionales. Además, utilizamos esta plataforma para detectar talentos y apoyarlos. Además, queremos mostrar a niños, jóvenes y padres los efectos positivos que el deporte puede tener en su cuerpo y su mente, como sentirse sanos, ganar confianza, aumentar la fuerza mental y la concentración.
Young Blood is a project of the action sports brands Duotone, ION and Fanatic. The vision is to awaken the passion of kids and youth ages 8 to 18 for action sports like kitesurfing, Foil Wing, SUP and biking and to teach them the right technique to safely enjoy the sport. We want to make it easier for the next generation to enter the world of action sports, by organizing special events and to give them a chance to learn from professionals. Additionally, we’re using this platform to spot talent and to support it. Furthermore, we want to show kids, youth, and parents the positive effects that sports can have on their body and mind like feeling healthy, gaining confidence, increasing mental strength & focus.
Save our Playgrounds
It’s very important to us to continue to spread the message to the next generation of athletes how important it is to protect our “playgrounds” and the individual actions that can collectively make a big impact. As part of the new Young Blood project, we will incorporate various sustainability initiatives like beach clean ups and will communicate our shared goals to reduce our carbon footprint as well as limiting single use of raw materials. We invite this next generation of athletes to join us in learning how to be a friend to our environment and become the next stewards of our beloved playgrounds.
The perfect products for Kids & Youth!
A very important part of safe usage of sports equipment, is the right equipment. That’s why we’re constantly developing our youth range, offering special products like the NOW sails, which are lighter, shorter and simply easier to use with more performance for young shredders.
Young Blood Team
We take pride in supporting the most talented and passionate "young blood" of the windsurfing world, like the Kiefers (Alexia & Carlos) from Spain, Maria Behrens from Germany or Tobias Bjornaa from Denmark in our Young Blood Team. We aim to responsibly accompany the most ambitious talents on their way to becoming professional windsurfers and pursuing their dreams. For many years our team has already been a breeding ground for future champions.
Una parte muy importante de la seguridad en el uso del equipamiento deportivo, es el equipamiento adecuado. Por eso desarrollamos constantemente nuestra gama juvenil, ofreciendo productos especiales más ligeros, más cortos y sencillamente más fáciles de usar y con más prestaciones para los jóvenes trituradores.