The iFRONT 2.0 front end, with its ideal balance between flex and stiffness guarantees maximum comfort and performance. The BLACK range includes two individual bend curves, whereas the 140 and 160 lengths have a modern PROGRESSIVE BENDCURVE and a reduced, comfortable tube diameter of 28 mm.
The 180 length features a classic bend-curve and a 30 mm tube diameter.
For reliability and comfort, the DOUBLE PIN LOCK system helps to firmly fix the boom length in place while preventing the tubes from being twisted.
Thanks to the different bend-curves, the BLACK series fits with almost all sail types from all brands.
The entire BLACK line is equipped with the iTAIL WAVE fitting, whose patented Loop-Loop-Go 2.0 system for the first time guarantees absolutely perfect rope alignment.
Best for last all BLACK booms now feature an unmatched 60cm XL extension range covering an even broader range of sail sizes.

We know that there are 2 challenges every windsurfing boom has to face:
Fact #1: the longer the boom and the smaller the diameter the softer it becomes
Fact #2: the smaller the diameter (in the grip area) the higher the grip comfort and the lower the fatigue (= longer sessions on the water and/or more power for the race)
Our aim was to achieve a long race boom, combining maximum grip comfort (through the thinnest possible grip diameter) with maximum stiffness - usually two things which can’t be combined as they work against each other.
Utilising the industry's longest experience in engineering windsurfing booms after 3 years of relentless development we have come up with an innovative solution: SEGMENTED CROSS-SECTION TECHNOLOGY
Replacing the usual round cross section, the new PLATINUM SLS boom features 3 different cross sections each fulfilling individual tasks tailored to the specific section of the boom:
The front-end section, especially right next to the front-end, is responsible for approx. 30-40% of the total boom stiffness. The forces operate in multiple directions due to the lateral pull from your hands and the downward forces from your bodyweight. Therefore here the PLATINUM SLS features a massive square cross section which effectively increases the overall stiffness - in both directions, laterally and downward.
The tail section has similar influence on the overall boom stiffness as the front section, although the influence increases the further you extend the boom length. Unlike the front section where the forces act in multiple directions, 90% of the forces on the tail section occur laterally as the main force comes from the sail pulling sideways. With the forces only operating in one direction, the most effective geometry here is an asymmetrical oval cross section that is horizontally orientated.
By drastically increasing the stiffness in the front- and tail sections, we were able to reduce the outer diameter in the grip section by 1.5mm. Whilst this might not sound like much, in your hands the difference in grip comfort and fatigue is like day and night. To further increase grip comfort and reduce fatigue we have added a “bumper” to the inside.
The result? Our revolutionary SEGMENTED CROSS-SECTION TECHNOLOGY creates an unmatched racing boom setting a new benchmark for stiffness AND grip comfort.
Being even stiffer and lighter than the previous version with a reduced diameter in the grip area, as of today there is no other boom out there with a similar diameter-stiffness-weight ration than the new PLATINUM SLS!
Carbon offers the highest stiffness of all composite fiber. This ensures an unsurpassed stiffness-to-weight ratio.
Unfortunately though carbon has the lowest abrasion resistance of any composite fiber. Nowadays all front-ends are rotational which constantly "grind down" the carbon underneath. Over time, this initially increases the play between the front-end and the carbon body, eventually leading to potential breakage. The weak spot of any carbon boom is therefore the area below the front-end.
Our engineers have found a unique solution to avoid this by incorporating a very sophisticated bearing design. With our TRIANGLE BEARING CONSTRUCTION the carbon structure remains protected from abrasion even after years of use.
A boom with a rotational front-end needs side „bumpers“ to avoid the front-end from moving sideways. Usually these side „bumpers“ get moulded together with the rest of the boom body in „one shot“. This is how every carbon boom is produced. The problem with this process is that the carbon fibers get „folded“ in a 90° angle which causes a potential weak/breakage-spot. Our experience from the past showed that the majority of breakages occurred at exactly this spot.
Since 2019 all PLATINUM booms are made in our unique 2 PHASE BODY PRODUCTION. Means the side „bumpers“ get moulded onto the rest of the body in a 2nd process AFTER the body is finished. Since that time we don’t see any breakages in that area anymore.
The downside of this process is that the outside of the bumper area doesn’t look perfectly smooth. But rest assured this is purely aesthetic.
Drilled holes destroy the carbon structure and are therefore less durable - at least in theory. However, our experience on the water has shown that there is no difference compared to moulded recesses. To generate a moulded rcecess the carbon fibers must be „folded“ at a 90° angle which is just as bad for the structure as a drilled hole (see above under 2 PHASE BODY CONSTRUCTION).
On the other hand drilled holes are faster and cheaper in production. This allows us to spend the money where it really makes a difference to the durability (e.g. see above under TRIANGLE BEARING CONSTRUCTION).
On New School shaped booms the curve is concentrated in the first 25-30 cm while the rest of the boom is straight. This means that you don’t need to twist/bent your front hand even on smaller (wave) sails as it's still positioned within the straight part.
Classic shaped booms have a curve ranging further back to approx. 45cm. On smaller (wave) sails this means that the front hand is twisted/bent resulting in increased fatigue or even hand-wrist pain.
The larger the sail though the more the draft (and with it your hands) moves back so that the front hand isn't twisted anymore.
Bigger sails also have a deeper profile. Classic shaped booms with their curve ranging further back make the boom become wider in the middle avoiding the sail touching the boom.
Therefore classic shaped booms are still the first choice for larger sized freeride/slalom sails (6.5 and up).
Carbon booms are 3 to 5 times more expensive than aluminium booms. The reasons for this drastic price difference are the massive difference in the raw material prices and the fact that a carbon boom is 100% custom/hand made.
Since carbon is a much stiffer raw material than aluminium carbon booms offer 4 essential advantages:
When a gust hits your sail you need to pull hard to avoid loosing control. A softer boom bends more the harder you pull. This sideway bend results in the boom to become shorter. When the boom gets shorter the sail becomes fuller/baggy = loss of control.
The longer the boom (180 and up) the more obvious the difference in stiffness becomes.
Carbon booms can be made much lighter (up to 20%) while still offering at least 20% higher stiffness.
With carbon you can go for thinner diameters (up to 4 mm) while still offering at least 20% higher stiffness. In general the thinner the tube diameter the more comfortable it becomes to hold on to. This becomes very obvious once you go back from a thin diameter to a thicker one.
Carbon does not bend. Therefore a carbon boom usually lasts 3-4 times as long as an aluminium boom because any overload (crash, catapult, ..) will eventually result in a bent boom.
Also due to the fact that carbon doesn't corrode a carbon boom requires much less care than an aluminium one. Check the condition of the ropes once in a while and worst case get the grip replaced and a carbon boom will last for years to come.
Usually the longer and/or the more extended the boom the softer it gets. Problem is that the bigger the sail (= longer boom) gets the more crucial the boom stiffness becomes for the sail performance and wind range (see above CARBON VS. ALUMINIUM).
Since you pull with your back-hand when accelerating or pumping or when a gust hits your sail the tail-end section is the most crucial part for the overall stiffness of your boom. All booms nowadays either come with an inside- or outside tail-end.
Invented by the DUOTONE team back in 2007. Here the tail-end tubes slide OVER the boom body.
The larger tail diameter/cross-section increases the overall stiffness of your boom by minimum 30%. Plus in contrary to inside tail-ends the boom stiffness isn't affected when you extend the boom length.
Nevertheless the outside tail-end has 2 limitations:
a. When changing the boom length you need to move the adjustment locking system alongside the tail-end tube. This makes it less comfortable and slower to operate.
b. With the usual 50 cm of adjustment range an outside tail-end requires a minimum boom length of 180 cm. Any shorter and your back-hand may end up being positioned on the (thick) tail-end tube.
This is the classic version to adjust your boom length since the beginning of booms becoming variable in length. Here the tail-end runs INside the boom body.
Advantages are:
> Works for any size/length of boom as the tail-end will never interfere with your back-hand.
> The adjustment locking system is fixed to the boom body. This way it's easier, faster and more comfortable to adjust the boom length.
The only disadvantage is the reduced stiffness which gets worse the further you extend your boom. Usually the tail-end angle is parallel to the boom body angle (in the back). This way you have the least friction between the 2 parts making the tail-end slide very easily inside the boom body. This makes it very comfortable to adjust the length, sometimes up to a point that you can hear a certain "click-clack" when you're heavily "wobbling" your boom.
The only way to increase the boom stiffness featuring an inside tail-end is to generate a certain "pre-tension" in the boom. To do so the angle of the tail-end gets increased so that it doesn't match with the boom body anymore. With this pre-tension you increase the boom stiffness but at the same time remarkably reduce the comfort and ease of use when adjusting the length (therefore only used on PLATINUM 170).
Under usual conditions yes. But for super heavy usage you need to differentiate between carbon- and aluminium booms.
The worst case scenario on a carbon boom is a breakage when massively overloaded. Carbon booms do not bend though. Therefore carbon booms can be used without any limitations even when fully extended.
Aluminium though can break and bend. Therefore a heavy rider and/or overloading (e.g. wipe-outs/catapults or landing super high jumps) might cause an alloy boom to bend when fully extended. As a guideline for really heavy (ab)use do not use the last 15-20 cm of the boom range.
You should always try to avoid getting sun cream onto your EVA grip. Not only can sun cream contaminate especially the lighter EVA colors. But more so the grip gets very slippery thus you need to grip harder which is very exhausting. Most important though is once sun cream gets onto the EVA the grip becomes slippery forever.
There are 2 simple solutions to avoid getting sun cream onto your EVA grip:
After applying sun cream wait until it's fully soacked into your skin which takes at least 10-15 minutes. Since we all wanna get onto the water asap this isn't very practical though.
Free your hands from sun cream either with alcohol (quite unpractical) or by using sand to "wash" your hands.
Even for storage or transport please always make sure to close the length adjustment lock system. In the open position the snap part is fully stretched out and therefore might loose a bit of its snapping function after a while.
Over time even stainless steel and aluminium parts get affected by salt water.
Therefore after holidays in salt water please remove the tail-end and rinse it as well as the inside of the boom body with fresh water.
For winter storage make sure to remove the tail-end from the body.
Please make sure to regularly check the condition of the ropes (front- and tail-end). Over time the rope surface might get damaged through the clamping in the metal cleat. When you start seeing the white core it's time to replace the rope.
The EVA grip is very cozy on your hands but it doesn't like sharp objects. Therefore don't rig up on concrete but try to rig on a soft ground (e.g. sand or gras).
Little cuts in the EVA you need to "ignore".
Little parts peeling off can easily be repaired using super glue.
In case the grip needs to be replaced (cause it's halfway gone or cause you cannot stand it destroying the beauty of your boom:-) do not try to do this on your own. It's a very delicate and time-consuming procedure which you should leave to professionals.
Need any spare parts? Here you go
In general most people do not use enough tension here resulting in the boom to slowly slide down during heavy sailing. When designing the front-end lever we made sure that you cannot break the mast while snapping on the front-end.
We use a rather "cheap" Polyester rope here by purpose. Compared to Dyneema/Spectra rope Polyester has a certain elasticity. This tiny bit of stretch buffers peak loads (e.g. during massive crashes or landing high jumps) thus preventing overload and a possible breakage of the plastic parts.

The VTS TAIL fitting is not compatible with older tail-ends. Yes it requires the same tail-end diameter as the iTail Wave fitting (the iTail Race requires a different/larger diameter altogether). But the VTS TAIL fitting is attached to the tail-end by TWO screws (instead of one) - and these screws are in a different position. Therefore it is not compatible.
But since the dimensions of the tail-end have not changed you can buy a complete tail-end including the VTS TAIL fitting to use it with your older iTail Wave boom.
Sustainability is the most important and pressing challenge of todays mankind to secure a livable mother earth for future generations to come!
Over the last 50 years Windsurfing has developed into a super high tech sport. But let's face it despite what others might tell you with the exception of aluminium booms and extensions Windsurfing products are a "mixture of petrol-based plastic trash". And most times up to 100% of this plastic trash are non-recycled (means "freshly produced") plastics.
At least as of today there are no eco-friendly substitutes existing offering the minimum requirements necessary to design modern Windsurfing products. Or why do you think no one wants to sail with wooden booms, aluminium masts or stretchy sails made of woven fabrics anymore?
There is only one sustainable way out of this dilemma:
A high performance product that lasts longer and best case can even be put into additional use on the second hand market is the best and only way to conserve the resources of our earth.
Of course light components have a massive impact on the performance and handling of your rig. That's why light weight is always on our briefing list when designing and engineering new products. And DUOTONE products are among or in many cases are the lightest on the market.
But durability and longevity were and will ALWAYS be on top of our priority list. Our industry leading warranty extensions bear witness to this philosophy:
- 2 year unconditional warranty on almost every hardware product (masts, booms and extensions+bases).
- 5 year warranty on 80% of our sails.
On sails we cannot emphasize enough that especially reducing the thickness of the monofilm and the XPly laminate has a radical influence on the longevity/sustainability. Reducing the film thickness by 50% reduces the UV-stability by 70%. Just to shortterm impress magazine testers or customers some brands use up to 70% thinner laminates/films than we do. This is not our understanding of sustainability.
However, since we are fully aware of the importance of sustainability, we cannot simply stop here.
>> Only we have stopped using any plastic for packaging our sails. This saves approx. 5 sqm of plastic film and foam per sail.
>> Only our aluminium products (booms and extensions+bases) are manufactured in a CO2 neutral production facility.
>> Only our aluminium products (booms and extensions+bases) are produced in Germany using 100% European raw materials in order to keep shipping distances (to our manufacture and then to our central warehouse) at a minimum.
>> Only our sail bags are made out of 100% recycled plastic.
>> Only we compensate all carbon emissions caused by our sails during manufacture and transport by supporting a hydropower carbon offset project in Sri Lanka, the country where our sails are produced.
We strive to create products that are superior in performance and function to anything else on the market. Therefore, we are not just interested in the opinion and experience of professional riders, but listen to ALL windsurfers out there. Because we know we can learn from everyone, we want to collect the opinions of windsurfers worldwide.
This project runs throughout the whole year. Every year on January 15th, the best ideas will be rewarded and might actually be implemented into future products.
So, you have got an idea? Contact us >HERE< and take your chance to make a difference. (Please use "R&D input for DTW" as a subject line)
1st - One sail (free of choice)
2nd - One Silver Boom (free of choice)
3rd - One Power.XT 2.0 (free of choice)
Any comments or questions? Here you’ll find first hand R&D / rider Information.
The more info you provide, the more specific the advice/help will be. Please let us know:
Your skill level
Your body weight and size
Mast(s) you plan on using with the sail
Board(s) you are using
Conditions/spots you are sailing at
Please note: To help as many people as possible follow the thread, the forum language is English only.