Art.-Nr. 44900-3518
The Spirit GT 700 features an carbon front wing that has been designed to offer incredible top-end speed with low drag. This means it can get going in really light winds and hold lots of power too. The shape makes the wing incredibly stable, after all, what’s the point of going fast with no control. The back wing has been designed to improve the tracking of the foil through the water, there are wedges to help you dial in the amount of lift and foot pressure too. The new mast connection ensures the best connection for the mast into the top plate and fuselage. The connection is important to improve the transmission from your feet to the foil, giving you total control. The whole system is modular, and you can run different mast and wing configurations for various conditions. The entire set up has been designed with speed and stability in mind; the front wing gives high lift with low drag, meaning the top speed is only limited by your desire for adrenalin. Tacking and gybing the foil is easy for a wing of this design, the shape of the wing creates a stable platform. The Spirit GT 700 is perfect for riders looking to go fast and fly upwind. If you want to be out there in the lightest of breezes, ripping along at a breathtaking speed, then this is the foil for you!
Ausgezeichneter Top-End-Speed
Das als Free-Racing-Foil konstruierte Foil wird dich mit seinem Top-Speed überraschen und damit, wie leicht es zu kontrollieren ist.
Unvergleichliche Kontrolle und Stabilität
Vom Wasserstart bis zum Top-Speed – du behältst stets die volle Kontrolle.
Low-Drag für frühes Foiling bei wenig Wind
Das Wing-Design bietet einen extremen Low-Drag, sodass du selbst bei der leichtesten Brise in Fahrt kommst.
Das innovative Fusion-Fit-System für eine bombensichere und steife Verbindung.
Vorderer und hinterer Wing aus Carbon
Ultraleichte Carbon-Wings für beste Performance.
Keile für Feintuning des hinteren Wings
Mit verschiedenen Keilen kann der Winkel des hinteren Wings in beide Richtungen getrimmt werden.

GT Front Wing
Carbon Back Wing
3D Ansicht
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