Platinum Series SLS 2024


Variante :


Item-no. 14220-1404


Pour satisfaire aux exigences les Plus élevées, nous vous proposons trois concepts totalement différents : › Wave >< Freestyle (140+150) › Wave >< Freeride (160) › Slalom-Race (170+190) SÉRIE WAVE : La courbure des longueurs courtes suit le modèle EVEN CURVE, qui se caractérise par un angle d’ouverture plus faible à l’avant et une poignée arrière plus large et qui garantit une répartition égale de la tension entre les mains avant et arrière. Cela renforce la maniabilité pendant la navigation en vagues et lors des moves de Freestyle tout en réduisant la fatigue du windsurfer. Pour répondre à une forte demande, le PLATINUM est maintenant également disponible en version MEGA SLIM, ce qui en fait le wishbone en carbone le plus fin du monde, avec un tube de seulement 24,5 mm de diamètre (140-180 et 150-200). NOUVEAU: en combinaison avec les voiles 2022 Duotone, le tout nouveau raccord VTS TAIL offre pour la première fois une indication visuelle claire de la tension parfaite de l'écoute (brevet en instance). SÉRIE HYBRID : La version Vague/Freeride avec HYBRID.CURVE a été conçue spécialement pour les tailles de voile allant de 4,5 à 7,8, qui peuvent alors se déployer parfaitement, au sens premier du terme. Pour assurer une prise en main optimale et un maintien sûr lors des Duck Jibes, la poignée arrière est à moitié revêtue de pro-grip (INSIDE GRIPPED TAIL). Son faible poids, sa poignée avant iFRONT 2.0 et sa conception monocoque rigide en font le meilleur wishbone de vague/freeride actuellement disponible. Cette wish est également équipée de le tout nouveau raccord VTS TAIL. SÉRIE RACE : Les grands PLATINUM possèdent des courbures de race/slalom testées et approuvées. Autre atout: l’iTAIL RACE FITTING, dont les poulies en Teflon et plastique POM ont un coefficient de frottement minimal. Absolument unique: Le bout peut être "loopé" au lieu de le passer de poulie en poulie, même en utilisant un systeme d’étarquage de palan (breveté). - Le PLATINUM 170-230 possède quant à elle un tubage de diamètre 28 mm, idéal pour les petites voiles de slalom comme pour les voiles de freerace de toutes tailles. Attention : la longueur 170 est principalement axée sur la slalom, générant une rigidité maximale malgré poignée arrière intérieure et ltubage de diamètre plutôt "petit". Cela n'est possible que grâce à une certaine prétension entre l'arrière et le corps. Cela fait du PLATINUM 170 le wishbone le plus rigide de son genre sur le marché. Malheureusement, cette précontrainte a un effet négatif sur le confort lors du réglage de la longueur. La longueur 160 (mise au point freeride) présente cependant le même corps que la 170 combiné à un poignée arrière avec un angle d'ouverture plus petit. Il en résulte une rigidité inférieure de 20 %, mais un confort beaucoup plus élevé lors du réglage de la longueur. - Le tout nouveau PLATINUM 190-250 possède quant à elle un tubage de diamètre 28 mm et en poignée arrière OVAL OUTSIDE TAIL, qui leur confèrent une rigidité 40 % supérieure. Ainsi, ils ne perdent rien de leur rigidité même en longueur maximale.

VTS TAIL fitting
Grâce à l'indicateur visuel intégré et aux repères de corde, vous disposez désormais d'un réglage parfait de la longueur de l'écoute à chaque session
100% T800 Carbon Prepreg + Résine SENTEX®
iFRONT 2.0 - la poignée avant moulé la plus léger du monde
WEIGHT (KG) (±8%)
*In Grip Area without EVA
Meilleure taille
140-180 MEGA SLIM
100% T800-Carbon + SENTEX® resin
Meilleure taille
150-200 MEGA SLIM
100% T800-Carbon + SENTEX® resin
Meilleure taille
100% T800-Carbon + SENTEX® resin
Meilleure taille
100% T800-Carbon + SENTEX® resin
Meilleure taille
100% T800-Carbon + SENTEX® resin
Meilleure taille
100% T800-Carbon + SENTEX® resin
Meilleure taille
100% T800-Carbon + SENTEX® resin









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Nous savons que chaque wishbone doit faire face à deux défis :

  • Fait #1 : plus le wishbone est long et plus son diamètre est petit, plus il est souple.

  • Fait n°2 : plus le diamètre est petit (dans la zone de préhension), plus le confort de préhension est élevé et moins la fatigue est importante (= sessions plus longues sur l'eau et/ou plus de puissance pour la course).

Notre objectif était d'obtenir un wishbone de course, combinant un confort de prise en main maximal (grâce au diamètre de prise en main le plus fin possible) et une rigidité maximale - deux choses qui ne peuvent généralement pas être combinées car elles vont à l'encontre l'une de l'autre.

Grâce à la plus longue expérience de l'industrie dans la conception de wishbones et après 3 ans de développement acharné, nous sommes parvenus à une solution innovante : SEGMENTED CROSS-SECTION TECHNOLOGY

Remplaçant la section ronde habituelle, le nouveau wishbone PLATINUM SLS présente 3 sections différentes, chacune remplissant des tâches individuelles adaptées à la section spécifique du wishbone :

    La section frontale, en particulier juste à côté de l'extrémité avant, est responsable d'environ 30 à 40 % de la rigidité totale du wish. Les forces s'exercent dans plusieurs directions en raison de la traction latérale exercée par vos mains et des forces descendantes exercées par le poids de votre corps. C'est pourquoi le PLATINUM SLS présente une section carrée massive qui augmente efficacement la rigidité globale - dans les deux directions, latéralement et vers le bas.

    La section arrière a une influence similaire à celle de la section avant sur la rigidité globale du wishbone, bien que l'influence augmente au fur et à mesure que la longueur du wishbone augmente. Contrairement à la partie avant où les forces agissent dans plusieurs directions, 90% des forces sur la partie arrière se produisent latéralement car la force principale provient de la voile qui tire latéralement. Les forces n'agissant que dans une seule direction, la géométrie la plus efficace est une section transversale ovale asymétrique orientée horizontalement.

    En augmentant considérablement la rigidité des sections avant et arrière, nous avons pu réduire le diamètre extérieur de la section tendez de 1,5 mm. Cela peut sembler peu, mais dans vos mains, la différence en termes de confort de prise en main et de fatigue est comme le jour et la nuit. Pour améliorer encore le confort de la prise en main et réduire la fatigue, nous avons ajouté un "bumper" à l'intérieur.

Le résultat ? Notre technologie révolutionnaire SEGMENTED CROSS-SECTION crée une flèche de course inégalée, établissant une nouvelle référence en matière de rigidité ET de confort de prise en main. 

Encore plus rigide et plus léger que la version précédente avec un diamètre réduit dans la section tenez, il n'existe à ce jour aucun autre wishbone avec un rapport diamètre-rigidité-poids similaire à celui du nouveau PLATINUM SLS !


Le carbone offre la plus grande rigidité de toutes les fibres composites. Cela permet d'obtenir un rapport rigidité/poids inégalé.

Malheureusement, le carbone a la plus faible résistance à l'abrasion de toutes les fibres composites. De nos jours, tous les blocs avant sont rotatifs, ce qui "meule" constamment le carbone qui se trouve en dessous. Avec le temps, cela augmente le jeu entre l'avant-train et le corps en carbone, ce qui peut entraîner une rupture. Le point faible de tout wishbone en carbone est donc la zone située en dessous de l'avant-train.

Nos ingénieurs ont trouvé une solution unique pour éviter ce problème en incorporant une conception de roulement très sophistiquée. Grâce à notre CONSTRUCTION DE ROULEMENT TRIANGLE, la structure en carbone reste protégée de l'abrasion, même après des années d'utilisation.


Un wish dont poignée avant rotatif a besoin de "pare-chocs" latéraux pour éviter que la poignée avant ne se déplace latéralement. En général, ces "pare-chocs" latéraux sont moulés avec le reste du corps de la rampe en seul coup. C'est ainsi que chaque wish en carbone est produite. Le problème de ce procédé est que les fibres de carbone sont "pliées" dans un angle de 90°, ce qui crée un point de faiblesse/rupture potentiel. Notre expérience du passé a montré que la majorité des ruptures se produisaient exactement à cet endroit.

Depuis 2019, tous les wishbones PLATINUM sont fabriqués dans notre système unique de PRODUCTION DE CORPS EN 2 PHASES. Cela signifie que les "pare-chocs" latéraux sont moulés sur le reste du corps au cours d'un deuxième processus, APRÈS que le corps est terminée. Depuis lors, nous ne constatons plus aucune rupture dans cette zone.

L'inconvénient de ce processus est que l'extérieur de la zone du pare-chocs n'est pas parfaitement lisse. Mais rassurez-vous, il s'agit là d'une question purement esthétique.

Les trous percés détruisent la structure du carbone et sont donc moins durables - du moins en théorie. Cependant, notre expérience sur l'eau a montré qu'il n'y a pas de différence par rapport aux évidements moulés. Pour créer un creux moulé, les fibres de carbone doivent être "pliées" à un angle de 90°, ce qui est tout aussi néfaste pour la structure qu'un trou percé (voir ci-dessus sous CONSTRUCTION DU CORPS EN 2 PHASES).

D'un autre côté, les trous percés sont plus rapides et moins coûteux à produire. Cela nous permet de dépenser l'argent là où il fait vraiment la différence en termes de durabilité (voir par exemple ci-dessus la rubrique CONSTRUCTION DES ROULEMENTS TRIANGLES).


    Sur les wishbones New School, la courbe est concentrée sur les 25-30 premiers centimètres alors que le reste du wishbone est droit. Cela signifie qu'il n'est pas nécessaire de tordre ou de plier la main avant, même sur des voiles plus petites (vagues), car elle est toujours positionnée dans la partie droite.

    Les wishbones de forme classique ont une courbe qui s'étend vers l'arrière jusqu'à environ 45 cm. Sur les petites voiles (vagues), cela signifie que la main avant est tordue/courbée, ce qui entraîne une fatigue accrue ou même des douleurs au niveau du poignet.

    Plus la voile est grande, plus le tirant d'eau (et donc les mains) recule, de sorte que la main avant n'est plus tordue.

    Les voiles plus grandes ont également un profil plus profond. Les wishbones de forme classique, avec leur courbe plus en arrière, rendent le wishbone plus large au milieu, évitant ainsi que la voile ne touche le wishbone.

    C'est pourquoi les wishbones de forme classique restent le premier choix pour les voiles de freeride/slalom de grande taille (6,5 et plus).


Les wish en carbone sont 3 à 5 fois plus chères que les wish en aluminium. Cette différence de prix considérable s'explique par l'écart considérable entre les prix des matières premières et par le fait qu'une rampe en carbone est fabriquée à 100 % à la main.

Le carbone étant une matière première beaucoup plus rigide que l'aluminium, les wishbones en carbone offrent 4 avantages essentiels :

  1. Lorsqu'une rafale frappe votre voile, vous devez tirer fort pour éviter de perdre le contrôle. Un wishbone plus souple se plie davantage lorsque vous tirez plus fort. Cette flexion latérale a pour effet de raccourcir le wishbone. Lorsque le wishbone se raccourcit, la voile se gonfle = perte de contrôle.

    Plus le wishbone est long (180 et plus), plus la différence de rigidité est évidente.

  2. Les wishbones en carbone peuvent être beaucoup plus légers (jusqu'à 20%) tout en offrant une rigidité supérieure d'au moins 20%.

  3. Avec le carbone, vous pouvez opter pour des diamètres plus fins (jusqu'à 4 mm) tout en offrant une rigidité supérieure d'au moins 20 %. En général, plus le diamètre du tube est fin, plus il est confortable à tenir. Cela devient très évident lorsque l'on passe d'un diamètre fin à un diamètre plus épais.  

  4. Le carbone ne se plie pas. C'est pourquoi un wishbone en carbone dure généralement 3 à 4 fois plus longtemps qu'un wishbone en aluminium, car toute surcharge (crash, catapulte, ...) finira par entraîner une déformation du wishbone.

    De plus, comme le carbone ne se corrode pas, une bôme en carbone nécessite beaucoup moins de soins qu'une bôme en aluminium. Vérifiez l'état des cordes de temps en temps et, dans le pire des cas, faites remplacer la poignée et un wishbone en carbone durera des années. 

En général, plus le wish est longue et/ou allongée, plus il est souple. Le problème est que plus la voile est grande (= wish longue), plus la rigidité de le wish devient cruciale pour les performances de la voile et la plage de vent (voir ci-dessus CARBONE VS ALUMINIUM).
Puisque vous tirez avec votre main arrière lorsque vous accélérez ou pompez ou lorsqu'une rafale frappe votre voile, la section de l'arrière est la partie la plus cruciale pour la rigidité globale de votre wishbone. De nos jours, tous les wishbones sont sont équipées de poignées arrière intérieur ou extérieur.

Inventé par l'équipe DUOTONE en 2007. Ici, les tubes de poignées arrière glissent SUR le corps du wish.  
Le diamètre et la section plus importants de l'arrière augmentent la rigidité globale du wish d'au moins 30%. De plus, contrairement aux poignées arrière intérieurs, la rigidité du wish n'est pas affectée lorsque vous allongez la longueur du wish.
Néanmoins, l'extrémité extérieure de la queue de bôme a deux limites :
a. Lorsque vous modifiez la longueur du wish, vous devez déplacer le système de verrouillage du réglage le long du tube de l'extrémité de la bôme. Cela rend l'opération moins confortable et plus lente.
b. Avec la plage de réglage habituelle de 50 cm, un hayon extérieur nécessite une longueur du wish minimale de 180 cm. Si elle est plus courte, votre main arrière risque de se retrouver sur le tube (épais) de l'arrière-train.

Il s'agit de la version classique pour ajuster la longueur du votre wish depuis le début des wish à longueur variable. Ici, la poignées arrière passe à l'INtérieur du corps du wish.
Les avantages sont les suivants :
> Le système de verrouillage du réglage est fixé à l'intérieur du corps du wish..
> Le système de verrouillage du réglage est fixé au corps. Il est donc plus facile, plus rapide et plus confortable de régler la longueur du wish.
Le seul inconvénient est la réduction de la rigidité qui s'accentue au fur et à mesure que vous allongez votre wish. En général, l'angle de l'extrémité de la bôme est parallèle à l'angle du corps du wish (à l'arrière). De cette façon, il y a le moins de friction possible entre les deux parties, ce qui fait que l'extrémité de la bôme glisse très facilement à l'intérieur du corps du wish. Cela rend le réglage de la longueur très confortable, parfois jusqu'au point où l'on peut entendre un certain "clic-clac" lorsque l'on fait fortement "osciller" le wishbone.
La seule façon d'augmenter la rigidité du wishbone avec un poignées arrière intérieur est de générer une certaine "pré-tension" dans le wishbone. Pour ce faire, l'angle de poignées arrière est augmenté de telle sorte qu'il ne correspond plus au corps du wish. Avec cette pré-tension, vous augmentez la rigidité du wishbone mais en même temps vous réduisez considérablement le confort et la facilité d'utilisation lors du réglage de la longueur (donc seulement utilisé sur le PLATINUM 170).


Dans des conditions normales, oui. Mais pour un usage très intensif, il faut faire la différence entre les wishbones en carbone et en aluminium.

  • Le pire scénario pour un wish en carbone est une rupture en cas de surcharge massive. Les wishes en carbone ne se déforment pas. Par conséquent, les wishes en carbone peuvent être utilisées sans aucune restriction, même lorsqu'elles sont complètement déployées.

  • L'aluminium, quant à lui, peut se casser et se plier. Par conséquent, un pilote lourd et/ou une surcharge (par exemple, wipe-outs/catapultes ou atterrissage de sauts super hauts) peut faire plier un wishbone en alliage lorsqu'il est complètement déployé. En règle générale, en cas d'utilisation intensive, n'utilisez pas les 15 à 20 derniers centimètres de la portée du wishbone. 


Vous devriez toujours essayer d'éviter de mettre de la crème solaire sur votre poignée EVA. Non seulement la crème solaire peut contaminer les couleurs claires de l'EVA, mais en plus, la poignée devient très glissante et il faut alors serrer plus fort, ce qui est très fatigant. De plus, la poignée devient très glissante et vous devez donc serrer plus fort, ce qui est très fatigant. Le plus important est qu'une fois que la crème solaire s'est déposée sur l'EVA, la poignée devient glissante pour toujours.  

Il existe deux solutions simples pour éviter de mettre de la crème solaire sur votre grip EVA :

  1. Après avoir appliqué la crème solaire, attendez qu'elle ait complètement pénétré dans votre peau, ce qui prend au moins 10 à 15 minutes. Comme nous voulons tous aller sur l'eau le plus rapidement possible, ce n'est pas très pratique.

  2. Débarrassez vos mains de la crème solaire soit avec de l'alcool (ce qui n'est pas très pratique), soit en utilisant du sable pour vous "laver" les mains.  

  1. Même pour le stockage ou le transport, veillez à toujours fermer le système de verrouillage du réglage de la longueur. En position ouverte, la partie encliquetable est complètement étirée et peut donc perdre un peu de sa fonction d'encliquetage au bout d'un certain temps.  

  2. Avec le temps, même les pièces en acier inoxydable et en aluminium sont affectées par l'eau salée.

    C'est pourquoi, après des vacances dans l'eau salée, il convient d'enlever la queue du wish et de la rincer à l'eau douce, ainsi que l'intérieur du corps du wish.

    Pour l'entreposage hivernal, veillez à retirer la poignées arrière.

  3. Veillez à vérifier régulièrement l'état des cordes (avant et arrière). Avec le temps, la surface du cordage peut être endommagée par le serrage dans le taquet métallique. Lorsque vous commencez à voir le noyau blanc, il est temps de remplacer la corde. 

  4. La poignée EVA est très agréable pour les mains, mais elle n'aime pas les objets pointus. C'est pourquoi il ne faut pas s'installer sur du béton mais plutôt sur un sol mou (par exemple du sable ou de l'herbe).

    Les petites coupures dans l'EVA doivent être ignorées.

    Les petites parties qui se décollent peuvent être facilement réparées avec de la super glue.

    Si le grip doit être remplacé (parce qu'il est à moitié parti ou parce que vous ne supportez pas qu'il détruise la beauté de votre boom :-) n'essayez pas de le faire vous-même. Il s'agit d'une procédure très délicate et fastidieuse que vous devriez laisser à des professionnels.

  5. Besoin de pièces détachées ? Voilà, c'est parti

En général, la plupart des gens n'exercent pas une tension suffisante à cet endroit, ce qui fait que le wish glisse lentement vers le bas en cas de navigation intense. Lors de la conception du levier de la poignée avant, nous nous sommes assurés qu'il n'était pas possible de casser le mât en tirant sur la poignée avant.

Nous utilisons volontairement un cordage en polyester plutôt "bon marché". Par rapport à la corde Dyneema/Spectra, le polyester a une certaine élasticité. Cette petite élasticité amortit les pics de charge (par exemple lors de chutes massives ou de l'atterrissage de sauts en hauteur), évitant ainsi une surcharge et une éventuelle rupture des pièces en plastique.


L'embout VTS TAIL n'est pas compatible avec les anciens embouts. Oui, elle nécessite le même diamètre de queue que l'embout iTail Wave (l'embout iTail Race nécessite un diamètre différent/plus grand). Mais l'embout VTS TAIL est fixé à l'arrière par DEUX vis (au lieu d'une) - et ces vis sont positionnées différemment. Il n'est donc pas compatible.
Mais comme les dimensions de l'embout arrière n'ont pas changé, vous pouvez acheter un embout arrière complet comprenant la fixation VTS TAIL pour l'utiliser avec votre ancien wishbone iTail Wave.


La durabilité est le défi le plus important et le plus pressant de l'humanité d'aujourd'hui pour assurer une terre mère vivable pour les générations futures !

Au cours des 50 dernières années, le windsurf est devenu un sport de très haute technologie. Mais regardons les choses en face, malgré ce que d'autres pourraient vous dire, à l'exception des wishbones en aluminium et des extensions. Les produits de planche à voile sont un "mélange de déchets plastiques à base de pétrole". Et la plupart du temps, jusqu'à 100 % de ces déchets plastiques sont des plastiques non recyclés (c'est-à-dire "fraîchement produits"). 
Au moins à ce jour, il n'existe aucun substitut écologique offrant les exigences minimales nécessaires pour concevoir des produits de planche à voile modernes. Ou pourquoi pensez-vous que plus personne ne veut naviguer avec des bômes en bois, des mâts en aluminium ou des voiles extensibles en tissu ?
Il n'y a qu'une seule façon durable de sortir de ce dilemme :

Un produit de haute performance qui dure plus longtemps et qui, dans le meilleur des cas, peut même être utilisé de manière complémentaire sur le marché de l'occasion est le meilleur et le seul moyen de préserver les ressources de notre terre.
Bien sûr, les composants légers ont un impact massif sur les performances et la manipulation de votre appareil. C'est pourquoi la légèreté figure toujours sur notre liste de briefing lors de la conception et de l'ingénierie de nouveaux produits. Et les produits DUOTONE sont parmi les plus légers du marché ou, dans de nombreux cas, les plus légers.
Mais la durabilité et la longévité ont été et seront TOUJOURS en tête de notre liste de priorités. Nos extensions de garantie, qui sont les meilleures du secteur, témoignent de cette philosophie :
- Garantie inconditionnelle de 2 ans sur presque tous les produits matériels (mâts, flèches et extensions+bases).
- 5 ans de garantie sur 80% de nos voiles.
En ce qui concerne les voiles, nous ne saurions trop insister sur le fait que la réduction de l'épaisseur du monofilm et du laminé XPly a une influence radicale sur la longévité/la durabilité. Réduire l'épaisseur du film de 50 % réduit la stabilité aux UV de 70 %. Juste pour impressionner à court terme les testeurs de magazines ou les clients, certaines marques utilisent des laminés/films jusqu'à 70% plus fins que les nôtres. Ce n'est pas notre conception de la durabilité.

Toutefois, comme nous sommes pleinement conscients de l'importance de la durabilité, nous ne pouvons pas nous arrêter là.
>> Nous sommes les seuls à avoir cessé d'utiliser du plastique pour l'emballage de nos voiles. Cela permet d'économiser environ 5 m² de film plastique et de mousse par voile.
>> Seuls nos produits en aluminium (bômes et extensions+bases) sont fabriqués dans une usine de production neutre en CO2.
>> Seuls nos produits en aluminium (flèches et extensions+bases) sont fabriqués en Allemagne avec des matières premières 100% européennes afin de réduire au maximum les distances de transport (vers notre usine de fabrication puis vers notre entrepôt central).
>> Seuls nos sacs à voile sont fabriqués à partir de plastique recyclé à 100 %.
>> Nous sommes les seuls à compenser toutes les émissions de carbone causées par nos voiles lors de leur fabrication et de leur transport en soutenant un projet de compensation carbone par l'énergie hydraulique au Sri Lanka, le pays où nos voiles sont produites.

Vous voulez en savoir plus ?



We strive to create products that are superior in performance and function to anything else on the market. Therefore, we are not just interested in the opinion and experience of professional riders, but listen to ALL windsurfers out there. Because we know we can learn from everyone, we want to collect the opinions of windsurfers worldwide.

This project runs throughout the whole year. Every year on January 15th, the best ideas will be rewarded and might actually be implemented into future products.

So, you have got an idea? Contact us >HERE<  and take your chance to make a difference. (Please use "R&D input for DTW" as a subject line)


1st - One sail (free of choice)

2nd - One Silver Boom (free of choice)

3rd -  One Power.XT 2.0 (free of choice)


Any comments or questions? Here you’ll find first hand R&D / rider Information.

The more info you provide, the more specific the advice/help will be. Please let us know:

  • Your skill level

  • Your body weight and size

  • Mast(s) you plan on using with the sail

  • Board(s) you are using

  • Conditions/spots you are sailing at

Please note: To help as many people as possible follow the thread, the forum language is English only.

60 commentaire(s)

I have a question :can the system (ITAIL RACE FITTING) be transferred to Boom 140-200 MEGA SLIM or Boom 140-200 or 160-220 cmmy daughter competes in windsurfing competitions / she is 11 years old / and she needs to mount OUTHAUL RACE, she needs pulleys at the end boom


Hi Krzysztof,Welcome to the thread.Unfortunately exchaging the tail fitting to a different style is not really possible. This is because the tail fittings have different diameters and different hole positions.


hey however, it is possible - I bought from you - Itail Race Fitting - for Bomm Silver - everything works :))))))


Hi Kriss,Here you go:https://www.duotonesports.c...


Hellowhen will the 170 cm Platinum boom be available?


Hi Kriss,The next shipment is supposed to arrive within the next 2 weeks. But unfortunately this booms are all sold already. Best thing would be to check with your dealer and ask him to pre-order one for you.


hellono 150/200 platinum SLS boom for 2024 ?CordialyManu


hi Manu,This is no longer necessary, as the 140 goes up all the way up to 200cm now.


hey team,in 2024 i decided for a whole new setup from duotone boom masts sails.i recieved my 2024 platinium boom the other day. please let me know is it commen that the part unbeneth the head is (non coated, non clear vanish or anything else) blanc carbon or a production failure? Never had such a blanc surface with other booms before.Thanks for your reply.


Hi Stefan,Unfortunately I don‘t fully get what you mean. Can you post a photo so that I get a better idea?


Hi team, a question about the VTS Tail...Is the VTS Tail neutral indicator pressure sensitive on the outhaul? Will it indicate 'neutral' accurately for pre-2022 Duotone/older North Sails?I only have one newer sail that has clew VTS rope guide, all my older sails are before clew VTS and wondering how I might be able to calibrate them.


Hi Leo,Welcome to the thread. Just let me know the model year, type and size of your older sails and I can give you the VTS Tail specs.


e-type 7.3 2015volt HD 5.6 2017volt HD 5.3 2017natural 5.4 2009 ...I think ...VERY vintage but still in great condition for its age. :)Thanks Raoul.


Hi Leo,Ok here you go:- For the Volts you should use Min +3 to Max +5- For the E_Type and the Natural you should use Min +1 to Max +4


Hi, is there a date for when the 170-230 sls platinum boom going to become available?


Hi Axel,The first shipment of the new Platinum SLS booms has just arrived. Website will be updated until newest week.


Hi Raoul, that's fantastic. Can it be ordered next week from your website in Europe, and expect to have it by the end of the month?


Hi Axel,As soon as the new booms are online you can of course order them. I can just promise you it was worth the wait cause these new booms are really a massive step up. I really doubt there is any comparable boom out there.


Hi Axel,I have just realised that the 170 is already sold out - so so sorry. This is due to the fact that the pre-orders from our importers and dealers surpassed the quantities from the first shipment. The next shipment is scheduled to arrive mid August. Your name suggest that you come from Germany - right? Cause then you should check with Surfshop Keppler or Funsport. Those guys have received some 170 booms from the first delivery.


Hi, no I am based in italy, I checked with out local shop (milan) who said mid july.


Hi Axel,Ok in Italy Surf Planet in Torbole has received one of the new 170 booms.


Great Raoul, thanks for the help!


Hi Axel,Happy to help. Hope you‘ll get the boom there.


I have a quiver of 2023 Idol sails from 4.0-5.2 as well as 2022 Super Heros from 3.4-5.7. I would like to make use of the VTS outhaul system and am thinking of one boom to fit all.I currently use Severne enigma, but find the tail end of the 140 boom very narrow for the Duotone sails. Duotone sls looks like it has a much wider tail so I am hoping it would fit all my sails from 3.4 up to 5.7.Would you recommend the regular sls 140-190?Alternatively I thought perhaps the mega slim 140-180 (or aero 3.0) and just not use it for the 5.7 as this could exceed max length with outhaul 176+/-4Any recommendations gratefully received :)


Hi Magnus,Actually it's still top secret but if you can just wait a little longer (until April) we will release a new version of the 140 length. This boom will feature a 60cm tail end and a complete new bend curve (same than the Silver Mega Slim - see here: https://www.duotonesports.c...We have developed this curve over the last 1,5 years so that it fits both a large and deep Super_Hero as well as a small and flat Idol. I can just tell you that much once you've sailed this new curve you can't go back :-)


Perfect, thanks for the tip! I will wait until april :)


Hello Raoul, Is that the reason for the long wait on the booms? Eagerly waiting for a new 140 and was told "a few more months?". Exciting though.


Hi,I have a question about the 190-250 platinum boom.Is the wide tail-end from the previous north/duotone version also useable with the new 250 platinum boom?Best regards,Joeri


Hi Joeri,Sorry your question has slipped through.Actually since we have changed the Platinum 190 boom into an oval cross section in the back the "old"/round tail ends do not fit anymore.


Hi Raoul,What is the part number for the x-wide 230-260 tailend from the new oval 190 boom?Has the adjustable outhaul set remained the same for the round/oval boom?


What means heavy rider?


Hi Richi,Welcome to the thread.As mentioned in the knowledge base on carbon booms you can use the full adjustment range. On an aluminum boom though we recommend not using the full range if you are heavy rider and/or heavy usage (e.g. high jumps or fully overpowered race-oriented sailing). A heavy rider we would call guys over 80kg.


Hello is it possible to use an RDM adapter on the boom 170/230 serie sls platinum ? CordialyManu


Hi Manuel,All our booms can be used with a RDM adapter. Ideally you use the original adapter though - see here:https://www.duotonesports.c...


Hi crew, is the new VTS Tail Fitting compatible with an EPX.Carbon 160-220 tail end?


Hi Leo,Thanks for double-checking. The EPX boom is a „standard“ OEM boom featuring a different diameter tail-end than the Platinum boom. Plus the rollers are integrated in the tail. Therefore unfortunately the VTS Tail won’t fit.


Hello, im thinking of buying a platinum boom for my freestyle sails, 4.4 4.8 and 5.1. Shall i buy the 140-180 slim or the 150-200 slim?


Hey fedonThe idol ltd 5.2 has a max boom length of 162, that’s why I would recommend you the 140-180.The 150 feels a bit stiff on the 4.4, that’s why the 140 should be the right choice.ThanksMarco


Hello the boom is amazing mega slim 140-180 but I found that the small rubber parts on the tail end missing after session. It is posible to order ? And glue it back cannot find them on spare parts catalogue.


https://uploads.disquscdn.c...Plus one more question that blue part is made from carbon ? its looks like only cover for inner tube


Hi Marcin,The "blue part" is paint means purely aesthetic.


Hi MarcinHappy to hear that you're stoked with your Platinum Mega Slim boom. Sorry to hear that the tail protector has ripped off. Unfortunately we don't offer this item as a spare part. Reason is that it's nearly impossible to properly connect it to the tail-end. In production process this done using Epoxy.


Hello Duotone Team,i have bought the Platinum Series SLS 140 megaslim "new", and i used this weekend for the first time. It's fantastic, but, as the previous model (the blue/white one), the Front-end slide down even if it's closed to the mast very tight (probably too much) about 10/15 cm lower than the starting closing point during use. I do not make any high jumps, just go and back andsurfing waves (no big wipe-out).I use with Goya mast&sails and i'm 79kg; i really like your product, really, but i hoped that with the new iFRONT 2.0 this issue was definitely solved!Other windsurfers i've talked to who use it with other brand masts have the same issue..How can i solve the issue?Moreover, after only 2 days of use, the tail rope is almost broken; back on the beach i was really surprised to be able to come back because the rope held for 0,5mm only. by a hair!If i can not use the Dyneema, which one i have to buy?Can you please tell me the strength kg characteristic for the 3.4mm rope required?Thank You in advance for your replay.CiaoAle Venice


Hey ale VeniceThanks for your feedback and happy that you like the platinum boom.Try to put more tension on the boom head with the rope, we tested the boom head with a proper rope tension and we didn’t had any issue.The shop where you bought the boom should exchange the tail rope or you either can order one in our sparepart shop.https://www.duotonesports.c...Let me know if you have any further questions.ThanksMarco


Hi Ale Venice,Here is the direct link to the VTS Tail rope: https://www.duotonesports.c...


Hello Duotone Team, i have bought the Platinum Series SLS 140 megaslim "new" and i used this weekend for the first time. As the previous model (the blue/white one) the Front-end slide down even if it's closed very tight (probably too much) about 10/15 cm lower than the starting closing point during use. I do not make any high jumps, just go and back and surfing waves (no big wipe-out).I use with Goya mast&sails and i'm 79kg; i really like your product, really, but i hoped that with the new iFRONT 2.0 this issue was definitely solved! Other windsurfers use it with other mast brand and the problem is the same.. it slide down.How can i solve the issue?Moreover, after 2 day of use, the tail rope is almost broken; back on the beach i was really surprised to be able to come back because the rope held only for 0,5mm.If i can not use the Dyneema, which one i have to buy?Can you please tell me the strength kg characteristic for the 3.4mm rope required?Thank You in advance for your replay.CiaoAlessandro


Is the diameter of the Platinum 140 really the same as the Silver, I wonder?I love your booms hardware. But I one real issue the boom-mast clamp. This I break already 2 times. In my opinion it is too fragil. some other little issues:Also the ropes for the tail of the boom and the extension are to soft and wear down to quickly. The do not last more than some month.


Hi Jörg,Happy to hear that you like our hardware products - at least in general :-) We offer two different versions of the 140 boom, one with the „traditional“ 27.5mm diameter and one with a 24.0 „new school“ diameter. So it’s all your choice. Following to your small issues:1. We did a small running production change on the clam part a while ago beefing it up a little. Since that time breakages have gone down noticeably. But please note never to use a Dyneema rope here as its non-stretch behaviour puts too much load onto the front-end. 2. Quite the opposite counts for the Kurhaus rope. Here changing to a Dyneema rope will give you a nearly indestructible construction. That‘s also the reason why the Power.XT (where you have the extra wear and tear due the ratchet system) comes factory equipped with a Dyneema rope.Thanks again for your constructive approach.


I am using this boom since 5 years, today it is broken on a very standard weather consition. That would be normal ? What should I buy next in order not to face the same in the future. I am using sometimes warp sometimes s-type. Thanks for your comments and advise…https://uploads.disquscdn.c...


Hi Pamir,Sorry to hear about your issue with your old boom.Straight forward if being honest I think no brand can promise you that their boom would never break. This also counts for our booms. Yes we offer an 2 Year Unconditional Warranty for the Platinum SLS booms which should give you „peace of mind“ for the first 2 years. But still I would not claim that our booms last „forever“. That’s simply not possible with the tremendous loads especially during slalom racing. Please also note that breakages very often occur during „very standard weather conditions“. In many cases the equipment might have gotten „pre-damaged“ by a heavy impact during another session before. And then a rather small impact might be enough for the product to finally snap.Please let me know in case you need any further assistance.


Hi Raoul , what rope with the black markings do you use for the platinum boom ?ThxFilip


Hi Filip,We have not added this items to our spare part shop yet. Hope to get this done within the next 2 weeks.But you can still order the item through your shop.Here are the details:Item name: DTW-Boom Spare VTS Tail Rope 3.4mm 2.0 (SS22-onw)Item number: 14230-8035


hello , I am looking to buy the inside tail end of my platinum series boom 100% carbon 140-180 2020 , is it still possible ?thx .


Hi David,Just have a look in our spare part shop:https://shop.duotonesports....


Hello! Are the VTS and iTail boom ends interchangeable? Meaning, can I swap out the VTS tail end on a smaller boom, and replace it with the iTail, so that an adjustable outhaul system can be set up? This is for using the smaller foil sails under 5m. Thanks!


Hi Haw,I think you mean to exchange the VTS tail fitting wit the iTail Race fitting - right?If so unfortunately the answer is no since both fittings come with a different diameter and different hole positions.


Hi,Would it be possible to get the color code of the purple colored back end of the 170-230 boom?I have some scratches that I would like to touch up.Best regards,Nick


Hi Raoul. My Ifront 2.0 rope is starting to wear and I'm keen to replace it. Keen to understand where/ how I can buy the replacement rope?I can only find find the rope sold as part of a bigger, much more expensive set. Thanks for letting me know.


Hi Pieter-Paul,Thanks for reaching out.Since we are using a very generic Polyester rope (for the reasons mentioned above under TIPS&TRICKS - EXCHANGE THE "CHEAP" IFRONT 2.0 ROPE) which you can buy at any shop we do not offer the "original" rope as spare part. As a special tip I would look out for a braided-through Polyester rope - means a rope WITHOUT core and mantle. Experience taught us that these braided-through ropes last longer while core and mantle tend to rub against each other which leads to a faster wear and tear.


Thanks so much for your reply. Just checking, what's the correct diameter of the rope?


Hi Pieter-Paul,Sorry missed to provide this info. Anything between 4.0 to 4.5mm should fit.


Hello,I own a 190-250 platinum boom. It must be one of the first from the Duotone brand. Now I recently purchased the extra wide tailend that fits the body. With the wide tailend installed it is impossible to set the boom at a length that the body and tailend are at rest for storage. Is it ok to store the boom under tension?Best regards,Joeri


Hi iv had one of these booms for about six months and use it about 12 times not very happy the screws which hold the back cleat in have totally rusted looks shocking. I presume this is covered under warranty


Hi Stef,Welcome to the thread.Thanks for bringing up this issue. We prefer to use external tail fittings which offer a couple of advantages (see above under TECH FEATURES - EXTERNAL TAIL FITTINGS).Obviously these fittings needs to be screwed onto the carbon tail-end. We are using stainless steel screws+nuts for that. But even then unfortunately it’s impossible to completely avoid any kind of surface corrosion. As one example this can be caused by tiny metal partials getting onto the screw or nut during the mounting process. When Carbon and metal get in contact a so-called galvanic element happens. In combination with (salt) water this gets even „accelerated“. The good thing though since it’s „only“ happening at the surface it’s a pure aesthetic issue without any influence on the durability. But if you still feel uncomfortable you can of course exchange the screw and/or nut.


https://uploads.disquscdn.c... https://uploads.disquscdn.c... Hi , I have 150-200 platinum boom probably 4-5 years old and on my last session plastic on tail broke. Can I replace it and where I can find that part.


Hi Ivan,Here is the spare part you are looking for:https://shop.duotonesports....


Hello,I have a 160 platinum boom that is missing some parts of the grip where the harness lines meet.Is there a manual or video available that shows how to replace the grip?I think it is a 2019 boom, it has the white/blue grip. Can I assume that also the grip of the newly colored booms fit?Kind regards,Joeri


Hi Joeri,Small cuts or peel offs can be repaired very quickly using super glue. We do not recommend to do a DIY replacement of the whole grip though - please see above under TIPS&TRICKS - „BEAUTY CARE“ - 4.And yes the color grips still fit with the older booms.


Hi Guest,Welcome to the thread.Thanks for bringing this interesting point up.When sailing you usually do not grap around the tube with your whole hand. Yes you have that impression holding on to a rather thick tube. In reality mainly just the fingers and the upper hand palm wrap around the tube (thus is where you get the callus spots after a while).Believe me once getting used to a smaller diameter there is no way back. Just like the opposite to a TV - once you had a bigger TV there is no way back either :-) And this comes from a quite tall and heavy guy with very long hands like myself.


Hi,Is the iFront compatible with other brand booms? Was size does the front end tubing need to be?Thanks


Hi Sam,It’s not just about the (front) tube diameter but also the distance side to side (defined by the bumpers left and right of the front-end.So for instance our front-end make has the same tube diameter than the NP but features a different distance side to side thus is not compatible. That‘s why I doubt that it is compatible with any other brand.


Hi Again RaoulWondering if you can help again please.I need to replace the I tail cleat from my wave boom. Simple enough with just one bolt and nut to undo. However I’ve been trying to find a socket thin enough to put over the nut and failed as the wall thickness of the socket must be almost paper thin to be able to go over the nut and get into the plastic resets. Sadly the nut is in a round recess and not one that would hold it securely . Can you confirm what the factory use to tighten the nut please so I can replace a broken ITAIL on my platinum boom please or even if can purchase in the duotone shop?ThanksNick


Hi Nick,Welcome to this thread as well :-) And thanks for bringing this up cause replacing the iTail Wave fitting isn’t a no-brainer by any means.There are 2 option here:1. our factory uses custom milled down sockets which are then thin enough to fit In-between the nut and the plastic. Not very practical as a diy solution though. 2. get yourself 2 small/thin screw drivers and fix the nut this way. This will require the help of a second person but this way you get the job done.Please let me know if you need any further assistance.


Hi RaoulThanks for your confirmation of my thoughts. I’ll go the wedging screw driver solution and see how I get on. First though I will have to drill out the rusted nut/bolt connection then the new one will be ok with the wedging solution.Have a good one


Hi. Could I use Mega Slim 140-180 with Super Hero 5.7 (176 boom)?Thanks


Hi Davide,Like I had replied to you in the Super_Star SLS thread we always show the MAX rigging dimensions in our sail specs. We simply want to avoid that someone ends up with a too short boom and/or mast extension.So yes you can use the Mega.Slim 140-180 boom on the Super_Hero 5.7. For more details please see under BOOM BASICS - CAN I REALLY USE THE COMPLETE LENGTH RANGE OF THE BOOM? (further up on this page).


Hi there,> Want to use an outhaulsystem on my New boom.> Does the Ital racefitting fit on the 160-220 SLS Platinum boom 2022?> Regards, Peter


Hi Peter,Thanks for reaching out and bringing this up. The iTail Wave features a different (smaller) diameter than the iTail Race plus the screws (connecting the fitting to the tail) are at a different location (which the extra rollers of the iTail Race design require). Therefore unfortunately both fittings are not interchangeable.So when coming up with a new length we always need to decide which fitting to use. And since the 160-220 length is a „common wave-freemove“ size we have decided to go for the iTail Wave here.


Hi Raoul,I have recently used my 2021 mega slim 150-200 boom with my 2022 E Pace 6.6. The mega slim 150-200 wobbled a little bit at the tail section. Should I better use a platinum SLS 160-220 boom with it? Thanks a lot in advance,


Hi Selcuk,The E_Pace features a boom length of 194cm which means it’s pretty close to the max setting. Plus the E_Pace is a performance-oriented nocam sail where you sail fully sheeted in. Therefore I would not recon such a small diameter for such a big sail size (in relation to the boom length). Instead I would suggest going either for the 150-200 with the 27.5mm diameter or even better for the 160-220 boom.


Thanks a lot Raoul for the prompt and detailed reply. I will go ahead as you recommended. Best regards.


Hi Selcuk,Pleasure, any time cause the purpose of these product threads is to give our customers the best possible support.


Heyo, got a used but still very new platinum sls megaslim 150-200 from 2022. Is it normal with the inside gripped tail-end that the tail has quite a lot of play in the boom body? Even making a clacking sound when shaking the boom without a sail?


Hi Philip,Thanks for brining this up.We all know that the mega slim diameter makes a massive difference to the gripping comfort on a wave boom. And the gripped tail-end is just so nice to hold on to during all ducking moves. The downside though is that the smaller the diameter gets the more "sensitive" the boom becomes to the tolerances between the tubes - which you need to be able to adjust the length. In other words the tolerances between the tubes are exactly the same as on the "regular" 140 boom with 28mm diameter. But be assured this doesn't have an influence on the durability. At least our team riders have not experienced any increased breakages compared to the regular 140 boom.


Hi Raoul, thanks for the quick reply. Does the 140-180 and the 150-200 have the same tail. In the spare parts section for the 2022 platinum sls there is no difference between the two when you want to order a replacement tail...


Hi Philip,The tail-end of both Mega Slom booms has the same diameter. The only difference is the length as the 140 comes with a 40cm adjustment only whereas the 150 features a 50cm adjustment. To make it easier for our logistics we have decided to just offer the 50cm tail-end as a spare part.


hello duotone/ Raoul.I have now sailed 35 sessions with the platinum 160-220 i.c.w the F-pace i have a question about the VTS outhaul.When I dry-rig the sail, I (instinctively) put a lot of outhaul, because as soon as the sail comes into the water, the outhaul tension is completely gone.then I adjust the outhaul again according to the VTS.but after 30 minutes of sailing the sail is completely dry again, which also increases the outhaul tension in my do I find a balance here?Thank you in advance.


Hi Moritz,Thanks for bringing this up.To answer your question the (theoretical) stretch difference between a dry and a wet sail and (outhaul + downhaul) rope is negligible.


Hi Duotone Team,the Platinum boom is very good and stiff, but the I-front always slides down. One time I snapped it too hard and even broke a mast. What can I do? I think the rubber is too hard.Thanks for advice, Werner


Hi Werner,Again sorry for the very delayed response but apparently I don’t receive notifications from comments on this product thread anymore. I‘ll need to check with our service provider on that.As for the sliding down could you please proved me with some more details:- Are you using the boom on a RDM or SDM mast?- Which brand mast is it?- Which sail are you using?- What’s your weight?This way I have a better idea what’s the issue and how to solve it.


Dear Raoul,I use SDM 100%, Point 7 mast and sail AC1. My weigt is 83 kg. Once I gave to much tension to the bom lever in order to avoid the sliding down and the mast broke.Thanks again for help,Werner


Hi Werner,Thanks for bringing this up cause as expected we are talking about slalom fin racing equipment here. Slalom fin racing puts by far the most load onto the boom not just sideways but also downwards. This is especially apparent with the mega stiff carbon booms nowadays. Means there is zero „give“ in the tubes to absorb some of the forces but they get fully „transferred“ onto the front-end.We are having this discussion among our race team guys since quite some time. Depending on the style of sailing some have more of an issue with the boom slightly moving down and some less (also depending on the conditions mega choppy vs. smooth waters). Over the years we have tried all kind of things but unfortunately without a breakthrough. We have also tried all kind of competitor booms (we could get our hands on) and had to learn that they all „share“ the same issue, some a tiny bit less some a bit more. We have an idea which looks promising but still need to verify this and see how we can get it into serial production as (most important) it needs to be retrofit-able. So how to solve this for the moment?- On our masts (with Polyamide coating) some of our team riders sand the surface which seams to solve the issue. But I would definitely not recommend doing so on a mast without Polyamide coating.- On masts without Polyamide coating you could ask a board repair shop to add a 20cm long glass layer and use peelply which leads to a „rough“ the surface. - If you are hesitant against „modifying“ your mast (fully understandable) you can use a bit of natural rubber material (from a bike tire) and put it around the back hinge part of the front-end. Unfortunately this will make it nearly impossible to change the boom height when the sail is under tension. That’s why it’s not an option for the production boom.That all sounds a bit „handyman’s style“ but for the moment these are the best options. And as usual on our product threads we prefer to give you the best possible and honest assistance rather than just „marketing blabla“. And to put this into perspective I weigh 90kg and would call myself an advanced freeracer (Warp or S_Pace). And I have zero issues with the boom sliding down. Means we hear about this issue „only“ from „real“ racers. And this is from over 10 years of experience with the iFront 2.0 - which is unchanged since day one by the way. And last thing of course the iFront 1 had the same issue - in the hands of „real“ racers.


Dear Raoul,thank you for this detailed and honest statement. I also consider to replace the boom head (maybe by Maui Sails). Which diameter has the tube around the front bow?


Hi Werner,The Maui Sails is a very good front-end indeed. It was one of the front-ends we had a very close look at when developing the iFront 2.0. But unfortunately our experience is that this front-end slides down even more/faster than ours.But nevertheless this front-end would fit with our boom front-tube diameter.


Hello! My quiver; 4.5 & 5.3 supersession and 6.2 & 7.8 E-pace. Big steps, I know, but it works :) I am looking for a new carbon bom and it would be nice to use one boom for thewhole range. What do you say about the 160-220 Hybrid Platinum SLS with vts? Today I have a Chinook alu 150-200 and a Maui sails carbon 170-230. 5.3-7.8 is frequently in use. 4.5 only one or maybe a couple of times a year.


Hi Gustav,Sorry for the very delayed response but apparently I don’t receive notifications from comments on this product thread anymore. I‘ll need to check with our service provider on that.Following to your question:Your S_Pace 7.8 has a max. boom length of 219/220cm (depending on the model year). So rigged for high end stability it will just fit into the 160-220 boom. As stated above under BOOM BASICS on carbon booms you can use the full range of the extension. But please be aware that (even carbon) booms become softer when fully extended.Also the curve/width of the 160-220 boom is a bit narrow for the 7.8 - means a bigger portion of the boom will be touching the sail especially when rigged very (power)full.But as you stated you are willing to accept a compromise for the sake of just having one boom (to carry around).On the other side of your range the Super Session 4.5 has a max. boom length of 157cm (maximum outhaul tension when you use the boom at the upper end of the cutout). Means if rigged powerful and put in the mid to lower cutout position you might end up at around 152cm. That is indeed too short for a 160 boom as with 8cm of a „gap“ the clew would just „flap around“.As much as I would love to sell you into our boom to replace your Chinook and Maui Sails booms I would say that’s bit too much of a compromise.But of course in the end it’s your decision how much of a compromise you wanna make.


No problem Raoul! But I dont use S_Pace, my 7.8 is a E_pace with 212 max. boom length. Will it change the possibility of the 160-220 on 7.8?I'm aware of the problem with 4.5!


Hi Gustav,Ups sorry my mistake. Of course with the E_Pace 7.8 the 160-220 boom would work quite nicely. And since the E_Pace has a flatter profile than the S_Pace the boom width should also fit quite well.


Hey Raoul..!!! I wanted to ask you, my weight is less than 70kg and my bigger sail is an E-pace 6.6 so please let me know what do you suggest for a boom an EPX 150-210 or a Platinum mega slim 150-200, actually I'm in love with mega slim..!!!


Hi Nicholas,Well that really depends on how much you are able and/or willing to spend.The EPX.Carbon is a very good and reliable OEM boom made by Aeron. Approx. 80% of all brands on the market offer the same boom. The only difference is the brand label, the color of the plastic parts and the artwork of the grip. So technically there is zero difference between these booms.The Platinum SLS boom on the other hand offers some unique features and functions (for details please see above on this page). They are unique to Duotone cause we have developed and patented them. But development and moulds cost money which makes this boom quite a bit more expensive. But the good thing is that both booms are featuring nearly the same mega slim diameter :-)


So do you think that the mega slim 150 - 200 could be fits good enough with my bigger sail E-pace 6.6..???


Hi Nicholas,Ok now I got your question.All 140/150 (on the market) feature a wave bend curve which unfortunately is too narrow for a sail like your E_Pace 6.6. A too narrow boom results in the sail touching the boom over a larger area. Now you can imagine this is like "cutting the sail profile in half" in the boom area which is super bad for the sails performance.Sorry for the negative reply but at Duotone we always prefer an honest assistance over a fast sales success (by just telling you it's gonna be wonderful).


Hi! Is there any plans to publish the VTS TAIL settings for pre-2022 Duotone sails? I have Duotone 2021 E-type. Planning to get a carbon boom and using the VTS Tail for this sails would be awesome.


Hi Roger,The VTS TAIL recommendations for the E_Pace are Min. +1 to Max. +4.Hope this helps.


Thanks for the help! Will try to remember this and the name of my sail (E_Pace) :-)Which by the way works well on frozen water also! https://uploads.disquscdn.c...


Hi Roger,Pleasure, happy to help.




Hi Ruttie,Thanks for your interest in our booms.May I ask why you need all these in-depth details? Are you planing to copy our boom :-) Cause if so the easiest would be to buy one and then take off all the measurements.


Hi,Would the 150-200 platinum boom be ok for 6.2 super star or will it be to close the Limit.Many Thanks Giles


Hi Giles,Welcome to the thread. We have covered this question above under BOOM BASICS - CAN I REALLY USE THE COMPLETE LENGTH RANGE OF THE BOOM?Please let me know if you need any further assistance.


Hi,I just checked the duotone website today. And I see that duotone has a new AERO 3.0 boom. But in the specification of the boom I see that the diameter is 27.5mm. Does the new duotone AERO 3.0 not come in mega slim 24mm? Is the SLS Platinum 140-180 only in mega slim 24 mm? Cause if I’m correct I think the SLS Platinum mega slim boom weighs 1.90 and the new Duotone AERO 3.0 weighs 1.95. I thought the AERO 3.0 should weigh less then the SLS PLATINUM MEGA SLIM? Or is the information on the Duotone website incorrect? I’m a bit confused 🤔Hope to hear from you soon.With kind regards,Royzinho


Hi Royzinho,Thank you so much for reaching out.Indeed I had forgotten to update the tech specs - I have just updated them now. Sorry for the confusion and thanks for the hint.


Hi I have a question about the new mega slim duotone booms. I see that they come in 2 sizes 140-180 and 150-200. Which Boom do you recommend when you have an Duotone Idol 4.4 & 4.8 the megaslim platinum 140-180 or the megaslim 150-200 boom? I'm gonna buy the mega slim boom but can't find anywhere which size would be recommended for the Idol 4.4 & 4.8? And when can we expect the new Platinum Aero Boom? Anytime soon? I can't wait to buy it.Thanks


Hi Royzinho,Thanks for reaching out.1. Platinum 140 vs. 150 boom:For your Idol 4.4 and 4.8 you can use both booms. I would depend the decision on whether you tend to add a bigger or smaller sail size to your quiver in the future. If you might add something bigger than your 4.8 you might go for the 150 length. If the 4.8 will remain your biggest size you'll be perfectly fine with the 140 length, simply because it's a tiny bit lighter.2. Platinum Aero 140 Megaslim:First (very limited) quantities will be available when we launch the new hardware range in November.


Hi Raoul Joa,Thank you for your quick response. I'm on vacation on the beautiful island of Bonaire. And Two days ago I got to Try my new Duotone Idol 2022 4.8 with my mast 400 Aero 3.0 and my duotone platinum mega slim 140-180 Boom and it is just the best sail I have ever had. I am super satisfied with my new equipment (it is super light). Duotone in my opinion has the best windsurf sails. The freestyle moves are much easier for me with my new gear. Keep up the good work!


Quick question about the mega slim duotone booms. Which Boom do you recommend if you have an Idol 4.4 & 4.8 the megaslim platinum 140-180 or the 150-200 boom? And when can we expect the new Platinum Aero Boom? Anytime soon? I can't wait to buy it.


Hi,I was wondering if I can put an itail race fitting on a silver boom that has an itail wave fitting. Are the fittings interchangeable across different booms?Thank


Hi Noah,Thanks for brining this up.Unfortunately iTail Wave and iTail Race are not compatible since both items require a different (tail-end) tube diameter.


Hi Raul,That’s a pity. Is there any easy way I can put an adjustable outhaul on my sliver boom?Thanks.


I am very fond of my 170 Platinum for my slalom sails. I consider buying a 150 platinum for my Freestyle / Wave sails. I have two questions;1) Is the 150 Platinum stiffer than the 150 Mega Slim, considering its diameter?2) Can both (the 150 platinum and 150 mega slim) be used on SDM masts as well? (I already have the SDM and RDM adapter with my 170 platinum).Thanx!


Hi Kasper,Welcome to the thread. Following to your questions:1. Yes the regular Platinum 150 boom is stiffer than the 150 Mega Slim. A diameter difference between 27.5 and 24.5 mm you simply can't completely compensate through wall thickness. But for Wave-Freestyle sails the Mega Slim is more than stiff enough. At least it's so stiff that none of our international wave riders are using the regular 150 boom anymore - the difference in gripping comfort is so huge that once you've tried the Mega Slime you cannot go back. 2. Due to the difference in stiffness I wouldn't recommend the Mega Slim for SDM Freeride/race sails. But honestly also the regular 150 boom is not really suited for such sails as it's too narrow. If you wanna have a boom for Wave and Freeride usage you should have a closer look at the 160 length which is wide enough for Freeride sails as well.


Thanks Raoul, I plan to use it with the NS ICE and NS Duke. I use these sails with NS Gold SDM masts. If I understand it correctly, the Mega Slim fits these masts with a SDM adapter.


Hi Kasper,Even with the included RDM friction pad you can "force" the front-end onto a SDM mast. But obviously it's much more comfortable in combination with the SDM friction pad. But please note the Mega Slim comes with the RDM friction pad only means you'll need to purchase the SDM friction pad separately.


Hi, just bought the 160 cm Platinum boom as the 170 was too long a wait ;-). Since I'm a lightweigt and mostly foiling, I'll be using the boom for sailsizes between 4.5 and 7.8 only. On my larger sails, I can imagine that the tail-end of the 170 is a better match, especially if I'm planning to use the outhaul kit. My question is, is it possible to use the 170 tail-end on the 160 boom? Thx


Hi Joes,Thanks for bringing this up.Since the 160 and the 170 booms share the same body (apart from a 10cm difference in length) the tail-ends are also interchangeable. But be aware that with the 170 tail-end changing the length becomes MUCH harder as the tail-end has a much bigger opening angle (which is the secret for the MUCH increased stiffness of the 170 boom). Details you can find above under DETAILS.


Hi Raoul, thx for replying. What would be an alternative way to use the outhaul kit on the Platinum 160 boom with ITail wave end? I read it is nog possible to retrofit just the iTail Race (BOOM SPARES Art #: 14900-8029) part. Happy to hear. Cheers


Hi, for 160 cm 13 years girl who is doing slalom, we would like to buy a 170 cm Platinium boom. At the same time we have seen a promotion for Aero 2.0 190 boom which comes to the same price level. As 170 has oval shape at the front and has a smaller diameter it looks more suitable for her. Aero has 30 mm diameter and round shape at the front. Both has an acceptable weight. All 2021. Do you think she will be comfortable also with Aero 2.0?. ThanksAnother question is; will "Outhaul Kit Race" fit both booms because of boom diameter.


Hi Gönen,Thanks for reaching out.Let me guess your daughter is racing in Alacati. It’s a really really unique spot with a huge (male AND female) racing scene…Concerning the Platinum boom I would definitely go for the 170 length. Cause from our experience (especially) for girls the most important factor is to have the smallest possible diameter. That’s why all our international female riders try to use the 170 length on all possible sail sizes. Yes you might be able to get a good deal on the Aero 190 (cause we are about to update this boom to a smaller diameter). But it’s a huge difference between 30 and 28mm grip diameter. 2 things to consider though:1. The 170 boom is round and not oval (same as the „old“ 190). Only the new 190 is „ovalized“ on the inside (in the gripping area) - details you can find above on this page.2. Despite the small diameter the 170 is maybe the stiffest boom of its kind (second most important factor for female racers and most important factor for male racers). To achieve this enormous stiffness (despite featuring an inside tail-end) there is a certain pretension in the boom. But this pretension makes it quite a bit harder to change the boom length (details you can also find above). Please let me know in case you need any further assistance.


Hi Raoul,Good guess for Alacati and thank you for detailed information which helps a lot. We will try to buy 170 if any exists at stock. We are speaking with Jimmy.Do you think it worths to wait for 2022 model? Will there be any improvements for 170? Thanks


Hi Gönen,Hehe got you :-) We have a big optical update for 2022. But technically the 170 boom will remain unchanged.


Hi Raoul, I’ve got a Platinum 170-230 boom. Would this boom work with a Warp 7.7. 2019 or 2020? Thanks.


Hi Pieter-Paul,Both Warp 7.7 (2019 and 2020) feature a max boom length of 221. Therefore the Platinum 170-230 boom can be used for both sails. Actually all our female team riders prefer the 170 boom on the 7.7 because of the smaller diameter. All our male World Cup riders though prefer the 190 length due to its higher stiffness.


Hi Raoul,I am considering buying a Platinum boom with iTAIL RACE FITTING. I am wondering if it can be used with a sail including an outhaul double pulley, as the iTAIL does not include a center pulley?Thanks!Janne


Hi Janne,You mean your sail features an outhaul pulley system instead of an eyelet, right?With such a system the rope doesn’t run as clean as the Platinum boom is designed around sail featuring a clew eyelet.


Exactly! Thank you, this is good to know!Janne


Hey Raoul,I would like to buy a slim 140 Platinum version but I am curious if you know already anything about longevity when compared to the normal version.Is the slim version more fragile than the normal version? Which one would last longer in mostly wave sailing conditions?Thanks


Hi Vince,Well our international team riders (Victor, Marc, Adam and Arthur) might be the ones who have put the most hours onto the Mega Slim booms as no one is using the regular version anymore. Since the 2 years they have been using the Mega Slim all of them together have broken 2 booms so far - which is a very strong sign considering how many hours and how much (ab)use they put onto the stuff. The second „source“ of longevity is our Duotone Pro Center on Tenerife which uses Platinum booms only. Also here no major upsets in the 2 years since the introduction. Apart from replacing the boom grip which is usual in center usage.So all in all it’s looking quite promising I would say.


Hi Raoul,perfect, thanks for the insights!Vince


Hey Guys,Looking for a new boom a size or two up from my 150 wave, considering 160 or 170 Platinum but not clear on the body profile.Your website states body is THE SAME with different tail pc yet the image/sketch clearly shows the 160 being a hybrid bend with the 170 being a traditional race bend, need confirmation pleaseThanks


Hi Bruce,Thanks for double-checking.I can confirm the boom bodies of the 160 and 170 lengths are identical. The only difference is the length of the body and the design of the tail-end (different opening angles plus different tail-fittings).Attention: as mentioned in the Details text above the 170 is very difficult to adjust (due to the bigger tail opening angle) but therefore is approx. 20% stiffer than the 160.


Thanks Raoulfor a 6.2 no cam and 7.0 no cam FREERACE or 3 cam race is it worth the occasional difficulty to adjust in order to have the stiffer boom?Thanks again


Hi RaulIs there an SDM to RDM adapter for the platinum 190-250 race boom please?Can I use the same adapter that came with the platinum hybrid?


Hi Roddy,All our booms come equipped with the same iFront 2.0. Therefore the RDM adapter which came with your Platinum 160-200 also fits the 190 length.


Hello Raul.! I'm looking for platinum mega slim 140-180 but my bigger sail needs to open the boom on 176 even 178 in a very windy conditions.!I I'm 67kg what do you believe about the stiffness and durability if I use the boom on 176 or 178..???


Hi Nikos.We offer as well the Mega Slim Boom in 150-200 and I think that's a better option for you!. I did last year a lot of testing with the Super Star 5.7 with a boom length of 176. I am 94kg and nothing broke but for sure the 150-200 Boom will offer you a better stiffness as the 140. So if you have the chance to choose one, then I would recommend you to take the 150-200.thanks Marco


Hello Raul.! I'm looking for platinum mega slim 140-180 but my bigger sail needs to open the boom on 176 even 178 in a very windy conditions.!I I'm 67kg what do you believe about the stiffness and durability if I use the boom on 176 or 178..???


Hi Nikos,Welcome to the thread.As mentioned above under BOOM BASICS - CAN I REALLY USE THE COMPLETE LENGTH RANGE OF THE BOOM? one of the advantages of carbon booms is that you can really use the full adjustment spectrum. This is due to the much increased stiffness compared to an alloy boom.Please let me know if you need any further assistance.


First of all thank you so much for your quick response..!!! Just let me know if I use the mega slim on 178 1.could that be safe for my new boom or that will be easy to break.? 2.could be enough stiff on 178..???


Hi Nikos,1. yes2. yes


Hi, I've got a Platinum 170-230 boom. My newly installed race outhaul kit has come undone. Specifically the strap for the boom cleat was too loose. Can you please advice on the correct size for the a strap for the Boom Clamp Cleat for my boom? Is it the 30-33mm CL105 or the 34-36mm CL111? And what is the exact external diameter of the boom? Many thanks, Pieter


Hi Peter, which Outhaul kit are you using?I always use the recommend position and I put always two rubbers below the Clamp Cleatthanksmarco


Hi Marco, I'm using the DUOTONE Outhaul Race Kit. It came with the 34-36mm CL111 boomclamp . However I think it is too big for the my Platinum 170-230 boom. Instead I think it should have come with the 30-33mm CL105 boomclamp. Thanks.


Hi PieterThanks for your message! We are offering just the big one and the whole Duotone Racing Team is using it with the Rubber.Marco


Hi! Looking for a boom head to replace my north platinum boom head. The boom is 2014 but I dont think you changed the diameter of the front, or did you? What I can say is that the diameter es more narrow where the head fits compared to the rest of the front. I would buy the ifront 2.0 if you think is retrocompatible. Thanks a lot


Hi Gonzalo,The iFront 2.0 is still fully compatible with your boom. You can find the spare part(s) here: https://shop.duotonesports....Attention: since the front-end sits very very tight on the body you need to put the plastic parts into boiling water before attaching them to the body. Also using an electric tool helps a lot when installing the 2 bolts which connect the plastic parts.


Hello, new oval shape is only in the platinum 190/250 or also in the aero version? thanks


Hi Eduardo,Good question :-) For now we are doing it on the regular Platinum boom first but let's see. But with the lead times having become even more crazy since COVID-19 this can take "quite" a while...


Hi, I have the super Heros 4,2 - 5,3 and the Suppersession 5,9. Should I use the 140-190 or better the 150-200 Platinum Boom?


Hi Christoph,Seams you’re a regular Duotone. Thanks really appreciated. all your sails work with both boom lengths. So if you won’t get/need anything smaller than the 4.2 than I would go for the 150 length as this gives you the option to use it on an even bigger size. But if you might want/need to go smaller in the future you‘re better off with the 140 length.


Hi I just bought a Platinum Boom ( 240 - 290 ) with OUTSIDE TAIL WITH ITAILRACE FITTING for my Formula Sail, would be great if you could provide a manual or video on how to set-up the outhaul kit. If you are new to these booms a manual would be really great to understand how to setup the OUTSIDE TAIL WITH ITAIL RACE FITTING. Thanks


Hi Nils,The manual how to install an adjustable outhaul kit is in the bag when you buy the Outhaul Kit Race https://www.duotonesports.c...Please let me know if you need any further assistance.


Hi Raoul, thanks a lot for the quick support. I will order the kit now. Could you update the link in in your response, it does not work.


Hi Nils,Sorry, link should work now.


Thanks a lot, great support.


Hi Raoul, I got the race out haul kit today https://uploads.disquscdn.c... . Unfortunately there is no manual in the bag. Could you send me the. Install manual?


Hi Nils,Oh sh.. I forgot we left the manual off when we switched to the Duotone brand. Our chief tester Marco Lang is just doing a how to video. As soon as it's finished we'll let you know.Sorry for the inconvenience.


Hi Raoul, could check if I have done that correctly? https://uploads.disquscdn.c... https://uploads.disquscdn.c...




Hi, read that "By popular request, the PLATINUM is now also available in a MEGA SLIM version", what is the thing with thinner diameter? And why is it not in the pro version? Regarding the pro version, what is the difference between these, except the T900 carbon and weigth ?


Hi Niclas,Thanks for reaching out.1. What is the thing with thinner diameter?This is explained further up on the page (under BOOM BASICS): „In general the thinner the tube diameter the more comfortable it becomes to hold on to. This becomes very obvious once you go back from a thin diameter to a thicker one.“2. Difference between PLATINUM and PLATINUM AEROThe only difference between these booms is the weight - and the price obviously. 3. Why no Mega Slim on the PLATINUM AERO boom?We are working on this one but it will take a while since the regular PLATINUM Mega Slim booms came out so light already.
